We saw the automobile grind to a halt when the engine blew up. 我们看见那辆车因为发动机出故障而慢慢地停下来了。
Without government action, he said, there was a risk that financial sector could grind to a halt. 他说,政府如果无所作为,金融体系就有完全停摆的危险。
All it takes is a single loaded comment tossed into any SOA discussion ( which then becomes a rhetorical hand grenade), and you can watch all useful conversation grind to a halt. 只需要在任何SOA讨论中扔出一句火药味十足的话(随后将成为一个修辞“手***”),然后就可以看着原本有用的讨论瞬时间陷入一片静寂。
Many developing nations are also in the midst of an economic slowdown, as Chinese demand for raw materials wanes and domestic credit booms grind to a halt. 许多发展中国家也已出现经济放缓,这是因为中国对原材料的需求大幅降低,国内信贷繁荣慢慢走到终点。
Their proposal, published in the journal Physical Review D, claimed dark energy does not exist and that time was winding down to the point when it would finally grind to a halt long after the planet ceased to exist. 他们的理论发表在《物理评论(基本粒子、场论、宇宙学)》上,文章说宇宙中不存在暗能量。当地球消失后,时间也会一点点变慢,最终完全停止。
Greece is expected to grind to a halt for the second time in a month as hundreds of thousands of state and private workers stage a general strike. 希腊数十万国企和私营企业职工举行大罢工,希腊将有可能第二次在一个月之内逐渐瘫痪。
In winter they almost grind to a halt. 到了冬天,它们会停止活动。
The story is the same in almost every developed country: the bursting of the real estate bubble has caused property values to plummet, credit markets to seize up, and deal-flow to grind to a halt. 几乎每个发达国家的情形都一样:房地产泡沫破裂,导致房产价值暴跌、信贷市场失灵以及交易日趋枯竭。
But without them, industries worth trillions of dollars would grind to a halt. 但如果没有稀土,价值数万亿美元的工业都得渐渐停产。
But on the current evidence don't expect America's recovery to grind to a halt. 但是就目前的情况来看,别指望美国的复苏会就此停止。
Blues boss Mourinho felt the hit-man fully deserved a new deal and now expects the transfer rumours to grind to a halt. 蓝军主教练穆利尼奥认为这名锋线杀手完全应该得到新合同,并且期望转会的谣传可以被粉碎。
If trade doesn't improve soon, the industry will grind to a halt. 如果商业不迅速恢复景气,工业就要陷入停顿。
Without it everything would grind to a halt. 没有了信任,一切活动都将趋于停滞。
Why doesn't the whole economy grind to a halt? 为什么整个经济没有停顿下来?
He cites capacitors and connectors, without which much of the modern world would grind to a halt. 他举了电容器和连接器的例子,没有这两样产品,现代世界将大面积陷入停顿。
Mervyn King, the Bank of England governor, said the British economy required a "painful" adjustment to higher energy and food prices, predicting the economy would grind to a halt for a year before recovering. 英国央行行长默文金(mervynking)表示,英国经济需要经历一次“痛苦的”调整,以适应更高的能源和食品价格,他预测英国经济将陷于停顿,一年之后才会复苏。
If we don't do something soon, the whole theatre industry could grind to a halt. 如果我们不尽快采取措施,整个戏剧行业将会出现萧条。